Wednesday, 12 November 2008
Saturday, 8 November 2008
Wednesday, 5 November 2008
External expert meeting feedback
the ideas that passed without comments are : Blog Alarm , BullShit detector, Truth Plate
Who else :
some questions were raised like what is the difference between that and Google for example. the answer was simple , that it is somehow limited to opinion searching , and it enables communicating with people and sending them messages , as a tool to be able to find out about credibility of the things we read.
that was when she asked how that can be implemented technically. there was some sort of confusion about that question , we couldn't really answer that. maybe because we didn't dig deeper into it while discussing it to begin with.
then after that we had a team meeting to discuss those notes , and there's a serious suggestion now to merge this application with "truth plate" . but we need to discuss that further.
See my Footprints
the external expert was kind of shocked of the purpose of this application. she was wondering why would anybody be interested in making his browsing history open for everybody. and she suggested that here will be privacy settings that enable you to control who sees what. means that you can hide some websites you visit. we thought this is interesting but then the whole purpose of the application will disappear.
This application is designed specifically for bloggers and similar ones who have their own online outlet that is targeted to people . and it is designed for them as a message they send to their followers that they don't have anything to hide , and they are open, to increase transparency and credibility. It was just our try to find creative tools to enable people to be qualified judges on what they read in online media and be able to differentiate between true and false.
in our meeting afterwards , we thought of making those privacy settings optional , like for some people this will be like a social tool to share links and open discussions about them through messages between members or even in a forum on the web page. and for other users it will be as a tool to increase credibility among their followers and readers.
we thought we were done with the project , but it seems that we need to work more and more on it. It is not bad , I mean so far we still have three products out of five , and the other two can be discussed.
Tuesday, 4 November 2008
Add Truth to your network

1-latest users
2-latest footprints
3-privacy settings
4-most visited websites
5-most visited URLs (as facebook)
following : to be able to see the footprints of people u subscribe to their footprints
follower: latest websites in 24 hours

Web Portal:
1-latest users
2-latest articles
3- search for tags
4-add comments
5-categorization : video, audio, text...
Web Portal:
1-latest users
2-latest articles
3- search for tags
4-add comments
5-categorization : video, audio, text...
Gadget :
1-interface for search
2-latest shitted-rated articles

Web Portal :
1-web interface shows latest ten missing subscribed bloggers (can be modified)
2-allow comments
3-search members
4-invite blogger
Gadget :
1- following : shows latest results
2- followers : will choose average posts per day and average days to be counted missing.

Web Portal:
1-tag clouds
2- search people like me
3- search - opinions (where you can google for opinions, no limitations)- value/behaviour (like the "i agree", "i disagree", "it depends" task we did at the castle...)- this XX (an event, action, news-report or current trend) makes me feel... "happy", "angry", "sad" etc. focus on emotions/feelings
tag clouds
Monday, 3 November 2008
Friday, 31 October 2008
* * * The no 1 idea * * *


The HyperHummus ambition in a long term perspective is to "Add taste to your network". And for our first project we choosed to focus on:
With the following 5 products:
Blog Alarm - Bloggers life jacket!
A device that keeps you updated with all bloggers you want to connect to, who alerts you when they have been inactive for a few days. It brings attention to bloggers who writes about bold stuff, and the risk they are at. You follow the "silence", not the activity. It keeps the chain strong between bloggers, because it tells you when a link is missing.
Truth Plate - Believe it or not
This is a ranking system that allows you to categorise mediaposts (blogs, podcasting, news, broadcasting etc) in terms of credibility. Is it true or false, what do you think? Rank it from 1 - 5, and tell people WHY you think so. A creative and visual way of showing statistic results.
Bullshit Detector - Find the baddy!!!
A internet-spyware that locates antidemocratic expressions (in text, video, images and sound - a very advanced technology :) ) and tells you where the monsters are. You can also add your own keywords of what to look out for, and add examples of baddies...
See my footprints - Follow me
A service that is volontary (of course) that allows you to open up your internet-history to everyone. Let people see where you are surfing, and you will get a chance to see where they have been. A two way exchange, to increase trust and transparancy in social media.
Who Else... - ...thinks, acts and feels like me?
This product gives you a chance to "google" for peoples opinions, in order to find people who share your point of view, or experiences or impressions. If you want to ask the world if they think like you (or opposite way) this is the easiest search-engine to use. If you dare to.
Thursday, 30 October 2008
POST IT - before it's too late...
The rest of you will get the most important stepping stones, for our further idea development here:
Hyper Exposure .. our in-depth interviews !
interesting opinion on Comparison as a tool of checking media credibility , nwespapers and news portals as a primary source of information.
And here we can see the interviewee finds it hard to trust in any media outlet but the newspapers , google as a way to checking media credibilty.
he depends on news portals as a main source of information ,
of course you recognize this cute face ! she prefers TV as a premiere news source .
our lovely facilitator , she preferes internet , and to have more than one source .
Who created Rage Boy???
Do you think the people in the footage are "real" ?
Do you think that what you see is what is happening?
Then do the following:
1. Visit
2. Fill in the two words "Rage Boy"
3. Look at images result
This man appeared in many different medias after the protests against the Muhammed drawings.
He sure looks angry. But is he really a true representative of protesters? Or is he just an actor, used by media to portrait a version of muslims that media think suits their audience?
What do you think???
Ok, we are getting closer...
We are really getting closer now, we did some initial research yesterday, and managed to reach a common vision about our project.
We found it interesting that Saher Sidhom's lecture yesterday actually touched a very important side of our research plan, which is credibility , and trustworthiness . When Ul asked him how we can find out if something true or not , he simpley answered : " Google it " ! and it was ironic that exactly the day before Mark said don't trust Google ! And he showed us exactly why we shouldn't. So the question is still on .
Yesterday lecture actually tackled a very important point which is indirect marketing. How to send messages to people without letting them know they are actually targeted in a perfectly designed campaign.
The thing is the lecture inspired us for more questioning , in addition to the questions we already have.
So today we split into two groups , the first one includes Maha , Ul, and Hazem and it is supoosed to find answers to these questions :
Indirect Marketing ? Where is the sender ? Is it easy to find the real sender? The lecture yesterday mentioned something also about the Brand-Company dilemma.
Being neutral in today's world , is there such thing? Do people need to be neutral?
What are people's techniques to find out if something true or not? Do they need such techniques or care for finding such technique?
Are there any examples for misusing video/audio/language /discourse for a hidden purpose and it can affect people subconsciously?
This group is using two research tools , online research , and in depth interviews with people .
The other group includes Saed and Malik , they are supposed to relate the trustworthiness thing to children and adolescents . We had this common opinion that we should take care of how children perceive media and how they deal with it and what is the possibilities that they can be harmed or effected negatively by the huge source of information and the easily access to different sites that contains a lot children abuse and pornography.
Wednesday, 29 October 2008
What is - really - going on out there???
When we started brainstorming what questions and areas of social media we are interested in researching, it turned out to be the processes it develops within society and human life.
What kind of society do we have now?
How will it change, through social and interactive media?
Will it be for the better or the worse?
For who?
How will it affect democracy and trust, in general?
We can already see the effects of transparency, the opening up and loss of integrity, where "private" becomes "public". We can also see how interactive media and user generated solutions makes ordinary people important actors on the field of information sharing and opinion making.
We think there might be new trends coming up around rules and "truth-detectors", and also regarding the authority of producers of content. As ordinary people in the digital world, we might even start to limit and censor ourselves, in addition to national laws and publishing rules set by governments.
We are especially interested in youth, and kids under 18 years, who access interactive media and uses it to influence society and democratic processes. These people, who are not allowed to vote because of their age, might still be extremely influential through the web... What effect does this have on politics and society?
And the other way around: what effect does interactive media have on youth and kids under 18, regarding content and tools that are too difficult for them to handle?
Our next step will be to...
Discussions within the group: We are our own best and nearest experts, we can guide and inform each other about the situation in our countries. :-)
Info search: Looking for information through internet and personal contacts.
Interviews: With people around us.
On thursday at 12.00 we will present our findings to you :-)
Please feel free to add ideas and tips to us!!!
Just Launched our New LOGO!
& our gr8 own domain name!
We now have our innov8ive Logo that draws our identity!!
give us you comments guys :)

Sharing is not only a concept in HYPERHUMMUS !!
Tuesday, 28 October 2008
Thank you Mark
It is nice to sit next to each other at Hyper Island. It feels like we actually share a small office together. For real. We like it! (Sorry Saed, for asking you all kinds of stupid technical questions!!!)
We are looking forward to long, intense and interesting discussions in the team. We are mentally tired.
But we are VERY happy!
How will we function as a team?
What we really need, is to get closer to each other. And before we start to think about the assignment and make a plan, we want some love and human contact.
That is why we kick-off the teamwork with a very social lunch (where we pick food from each others plates) and a follow up at Ul's home on tuesday night.
Why do we do this? The answer is: In order to be creative, and allow all ideas to pop up and get motivated, we must start to get to know each other. We are going to build the team on a solid ground, where we trust and like each other – although we might disagree and argue a lot, we really must respect and appreciate every team member and hers or his contributions towards the end result.
The creation of the blog, with a funny name and an excusive domain, and hand-made grafitti illustration by Malik and blind-folded group-photo is other examples of how we want to have fun in the group. The social activities are important to us.
Another important stone to put into the foundation of this team is the social media excursions, that we do together, severely encouraged by Mark... (Thank's Mark!)
We want to get to know, and understand more, how we can use social media. That will make us a stronger team. And we will look out for “the WOW factor” together, to inspire each other in this particular field of communication.
We also aim to stay in touch every day, through out these three weeks. Although Ul is only taking active part in the first week, we will try to meet up a lot. And we will sit down and make a proper plan for the research and idea process, and the function of the team and divide responsibilities between us, for this assignment.
One of the first things we decided, as a group, was that we are going to work side by side in this project, instead of fighting over the top-position.
We will hold each others hands. With love.
HUMMUS???!!!!! are you kidding me?!!!
The ingredients are:
H: Hazem
aka Mr.Life Jacket
Age: 25
Hazem is a young ambitious man, half palestinian / half syrian, who loves his wife (the one and only) and loves to eat meat. He also likes to make an effort to help people through social media solutions to get on better in their lives.
U: Ul
aka Ms. Emotional
Age: 34
Ul is a creative and slightly mad mother of two who makes TV-programs and bakes cakes. She lives in Stockolm and loves everything made of denim.
M: Malik
aka Mr.Tech Guru
Age: 24
A young ambitious Jordanian, half palestinian / half bosnian, who is mad about arts. A leo, who loves apple juice and X-large mushroom burger and strongly believes that good things come for those who wait...
M: Maha
aka Ms. Bird
Age: 23
Maha is a devoted feminist, crazy about ancient Egyptian Gods and mythology, loves birds, and used to think that you can locate Utopia on the map.
U: (see above)
S: Saed
aka Mr.Visual
Age: 32
A person with a heavy visual background and concept in life, shaped through visual experience uploaded carefully to the brain cells. He likes to recollect and use these digitally to apply a personal criteria.
So, we would like to say to all of you: Enjoy a tasty meal!
It might be the tastiest one youv'e EVER had...
An ordinary lunch discussion
Is it pork or is it beef? Is the world round or flat? Do we know what we are doing or not?
YLVP Crossing Stockholm Underground
The YLVP members crossing the Stockholm underground
A road movie Film By Saed (HyperHummus)